Ambassadori Kachreti

Find your Freedom

18 October, 2021




In the awake of ongoing pandemic, artists lack new encounters, inspirations and opportunities to animate both thoughts and emotions, which are so essential to their art practice.

“Open Studios” is the project by Ria Keburia Foundation and inspires creatives to create atmosphere of cultural exchange, conversation, encouragement and freedom of expression, while enhancing the controversial discourse based on the issue of isolation and current suspension.

Through Open Studio selected artists portray works in different mediums regarding the concept:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”- Winston Churchill.



Ioanna Tsulaia

Ani Toidze

Sofia Meskhi

Tornike Robakidze

Anastasia Kvanchakhadze

Mako Lomadze

Tornike Khaduri

Nika Koplatadze

Ana khubaeva

Teo Maspindzelashvili